All together relfective practise

What is reflective practice?

Reflective practice is a process by which you  stop and think about your practice, consciously analyze your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice.As a result, you may modify your actions, behavior, treatments and learning needs.(Chartered society of physiotherapy,2014)

You can do reflective practice by keeping a blog,diary,E portfolio or any other way where you are recording your thoughts and actions.

There are different types of reflection such as reflection in action.Of course there are more than 3 types of reflection but I feel the most important are the three that are listed below.

Reflection-in-action is the ability to conduct such reflection not only after the experience, but also during the experience – the ability to think on your feet, to understand what is happening and why, and to deal with the uncertainties of practice in situations.

  • Thinking one step ahead
  • Being critical
  • Storing experience for the future
  • Analyzing


Structure reflection involves systematically moving through one or all of the following:

  • What happened?
  • Identifying significant events/incidents?
  • How did you feel, think, feel, and do?
  • What assumptions, beliefs, customs, or values underlie the event?
  • What were the environmental demands?
  • What are the implications for future practice?
  • What was learned?
  • What could be changed?
  • What concepts/assumptions could be challenged?(Sarrahtraining,2011)

Informal Reflection: Most of us engage in reflection activities without even being aware that we are, in activities such as:

  • Talking over a situation you have found difficult with a partner, friend or colleague e.g. a difficult patient, a treatment that isn’t working etc.
  • Thinking over the events of the day on the way home.(Sarrahtraining,2011)

For this paper I think structured reflection is most appropriate because it covers what was learned,what can be changed,rating of self performance.

For my second brief I am thinking about translating a famous Chinese TV show(非诚勿扰) into English(English subtitles).Using structured reflection i will be able to systematically go through the 9 points(find above) and effectively reflect on my translations.

Reflective writing is evidence of reflective thinking
. In an academic context, reflective thinking usually
Looking back at something
Analyzing the event or idea
Thinking carefully about what the event or idea means for you and your ongoing progress as a learner and/or practicing professional.
Reflective writing is thus more personal
than other kinds of academic writing. We all think reflectively
in everyday life, of course, but perhaps not to the same depth as that expected in good reflective
writing at university level(University of Portsmouth,Martin Hampton,n.d.)
I think the most important part of reflective practice is to look back on ones work and see what could be done better,are there more quicker,effective methods?By effectively reflecting we can become more efficient people.

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